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LynnH | all galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES >> Galveston Tree Sculptures > Shell Bench
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13-Jul-2022 Lynn H

Shell Bench

Galveston Island. Texas

I think this one was located in the 1500 block of Church Street.
I couldn't find anything about the artist, but the bench is in the same front yard as the jelly fish sculpture in the next photo.
Probably the same artist did both.

When Hurricane Ike slammed into Galveston, Texas in 2008, the saltwater killed an estimated 40,000 trees.
Many of them were 100-year-old live oaks, planted after the great hurricane of 1900.
A number of sculptors took a unique approach to helping the Island (and all of us devastated by Ike) restore damaged spirits.
They create beauty out of dead trees.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Irene Wehrli25-Nov-2022 11:02
Oh my - I love this bench and the white fence in the background! I imagine it filled with red roses...
Julie Oldfield25-Jul-2022 01:47
Really cool!
Marcia Rules24-Jul-2022 19:15
Nice! Wish I had one... ~V
Fong Lam24-Jul-2022 10:11
A well sculpted bench and so nice to lean on those "shells"....V
Tom LeRoy24-Jul-2022 09:02
Fantastic way to use the dead trees and this is so nicely carved into a cool bench. V
Helen Betts24-Jul-2022 04:54
Very interesting bench, and it would appear to go quite well with the jelly fish. V.
joseantonio24-Jul-2022 03:42
what a nice find.V.
Dennis Hoyne24-Jul-2022 03:35
cool bench, my first thought that it was a winged bench.
Carl Carbone24-Jul-2022 02:33
Neat find and shot. Looks pretty comfortable!
globalgadabout24-Jul-2022 01:10
an intriguing the overall geometry of the image, with different lines and shapes well integrated..