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22-Jul-2022 Ginny

July 22, 2022


It was the same airplane again today. The objective was a beach on Cook Inlet near Spring Point. The weather was sunny and warm with a light breeze, a lot different from the previous two days. We had a very scenic flight through the river valleys. This land is very beautiful. I didn't get bored for one second just looking down at the passing landscape. It was always with anticipation of seeing a critter. We landed on a gravel bar in the Big River and had a nice walk around the area.

Back to the airplane we headed toward Spring Point. As we got close the pilot flew around and we spotted some moose and Brown Bears. The airplane was pretty low so we got good views. We also spotted a black bear running like hell out of the woods and looking over its shoulder. I wonder what it was fleeing from.

We had lunch on the beach then headed out on a hike looking for bears. We spotted a couple of them feeding on the other side of a river bank. That was very cool to see them. I guess they were a hundred yards away. We ended up hiking several miles then back to the airplane for the ride home. The return trip was through some of the passes in the mountains. Lots of glaciers and small waterfalls to see.

Today's photo is of me and our pilot relaxing on the beach at Spring Point. All three of us sat in the sun for quite a while before heading back. Life is good.

Canon PowerShot G5 X
1/1600s f/8.0 at 14.7mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gordon W29-Jul-2022 05:35
Big tires!