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Marcia Rules | all galleries >> Galleries >> Northwest Trek > Art Deco
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Marcia Rules

Art Deco

Astoria, OR

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Gill Kopy24-Jul-2022 04:18
Phew ! what a great image - there really is an ominous mood afloat ! V
Nick Paoni23-Jul-2022 22:04
A high impact image for sure. Love the high contrast black and white presentation and that sky makes such a cool topper.
Walter Otto Koenig23-Jul-2022 17:40
Great processing work. Love the contrasts, tones and textures. "V"
Arthur Lebacq23-Jul-2022 14:06
Very impressive work you have done the fascinating perspective and amazing tones....a great monochrome...BV
Jeff Real23-Jul-2022 14:02
Om my! What impact!
Both the hotel and sky contain much drama and they play off one another in a magical way!
And the composition...yes indeed!
Danad23-Jul-2022 08:29
Amazing work with those stunning clouds invading the sky over this well ornamented building.
LynnH23-Jul-2022 03:36
Imposing and a bit ominous. Very interesting with the cloud crown above! V
joseantonio23-Jul-2022 03:07
looks amazing with that sky.V.
Earl Misanchuk23-Jul-2022 01:26
Lovely processing. The fluffy-looking clouds are a nice counterpoint to the strict lines off the building. Your choice of B/W really makes this scene. V
Dan Greenberg23-Jul-2022 00:05
Now this jumps right off the screen! I love the contrast and the dynamic energy this has and that you managed to frame the whole building so well. ~BV~
Julie Oldfield23-Jul-2022 00:02
What an awesome sky to compliment that striking building. V
globalgadabout22-Jul-2022 23:12
stylish indeed, and so clearly portrayed...thanks to inspired processing the sky is also a work of art...V
Helen Betts22-Jul-2022 22:59
Beautiful old building, complemented by the beautiful sky. V.
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