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LynnH | all galleries >> TEXAS OUT & ABOUT >> BRAZOS BEND STATE PARK > Swampy
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26-May-2022 Lynn H


Brazos Bend State Park, Texas

Swampy areas and trees create a great habitat for all sorts of wildlife. You never know what you'll see.

For the Pbase July 2022 Theme ~ Roadside Attractions / Distractions
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Mieke WA Minkjan06-Jul-2022 13:04
beautiful and peaceful photo V
Ray :)03-Jul-2022 19:34
Ha! Here, 'Swampy' was the name of an environmental campaigner who climbed trees to stop their destruction. A long time ago now though :-o
carol j. phipps03-Jul-2022 16:35
Reminds me of many waterways in WVA. V
Julie Oldfield03-Jul-2022 01:03
A safe haven for all. It seems lush and a place for things to thrive. V
Nick Paoni02-Jul-2022 21:47
Love how the truck is emerging from the trees.
Raymond02-Jul-2022 21:01
Great adventure to have, beautiful place
Marcia Rules02-Jul-2022 20:02
Looks so idyllic on a hot day!
Helen Betts02-Jul-2022 19:58
Looks and sounds like it would be quite an adventure to explore a swamp! V.
joseantonio02-Jul-2022 19:44
a lovely area to explore.V.
Tom LeRoy02-Jul-2022 19:36
So nice to have this so close to your home. Pure enjoyment ! V
globalgadabout02-Jul-2022 19:26
wetlands are also a treasure chest for photographers to explore...this one certainly seems pleasant..
larose forest photos02-Jul-2022 19:13
Swamps, fens and bogs are great for wildlife, a favourite habitat. Beautiful shot. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Jul-2022 19:02
So beautiful and relaxing scenery. V