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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Baddesley Clinton Manor >
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Aurora HDR

Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire

Another iron gate into the walled garden.

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victorswan16-Jun-2022 20:16
Wow Graeme wat a perfect framing here, and the colors are amazing as always, it's really these fairy tale like images I love this BV
LynnH14-Jun-2022 01:33
Welcoming and bright entrance! V
Bill Miller12-Jun-2022 22:45
Lovely, and I just want to explore the garden through the gate
Johnny JAG12-Jun-2022 20:33
Very nice detailed shot
Fabienne12-Jun-2022 20:17
Un portail joliment photographié. C’est excellent.
Nick Paoni12-Jun-2022 19:57
Love the view through the gate.
Marcia Colelli12-Jun-2022 17:13
Beautiful gate with wonderful composition and leading lines. Nice work. V
Julie Oldfield12-Jun-2022 15:28
A gateway to gorgeousness. V
Dennis Hoyne12-Jun-2022 01:27
Such lovely grounds I would love to explore.
Hank Vander Velde12-Jun-2022 01:15
A beautiful well composed image.
larose forest photos12-Jun-2022 00:22
Delightfully composed and of course, so beautifully photographed. It is such an inviting scene, I just want to walk through that gate! V+
Kevin D Warren11-Jun-2022 22:01
What a beautiful and inviting gate/arch/wall - the garden beyond is hard to resist. Nicely made image!
Nestor Derkach11-Jun-2022 17:56
Pefect point of view the gate is of a nice design.
Nice pavers and love the brick wall.
Nice sharp work .
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jun-2022 17:39
Beautiful work. I like the textures and colors. "V"
Danad11-Jun-2022 16:05
A superb work !
Arthur Lebacq11-Jun-2022 15:07
Indeed a perfect framing here....amazing colors again....VV
Jeff Real11-Jun-2022 13:23
What a beautiful subject!
I love this detail and color!
Helen Betts11-Jun-2022 12:47
Lovely framing for the garden beyond. V.
joseantonio11-Jun-2022 10:51
nice framing for the view.V,.
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