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Az MH 59. Szentgyörgyi Dezső Repülőbázison - Kecskemét, 2022. május 11.

At HDF 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base - Kecskemét, 11 May 2022.

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Buz Kiefer22-Jul-2023 10:24
Very nice informal portrait, Zoltan. Great setting as well. V
Dan Opdal30-Apr-2023 04:17
Good to see you, Zoltán! V
James Clarke04-Jan-2023 07:01
Nice seeing you again. V
laine25-Aug-2022 17:29
Lovely to see you again Zoltan. A great updated portrait.
Dan Greenberg24-Jun-2022 06:24
An excellent image of you with a most suitable background. ~BV~
Dave Petersen Photography23-May-2022 13:29
A stellar portrait framed by a fantastic background. You really look happy and relaxed. This portrait is maybe the next best best thing to meeting in person. That is also some serious firepower behind you and having grown up with a father who was an Air Force pilot, also a strong interest of mine. V
Nestor Derkach17-May-2022 15:32
Nice portrait Zoltan Hollywood next stop for you.
John Reynolds LRPS15-May-2022 15:48
Nice to see you :-)
Graeme15-May-2022 12:55
A very good portrait of you, Zoltan.V
janescottcumming15-May-2022 11:41
Hi Zoltan, so nice to see you!
Charlene Ambrose15-May-2022 05:16
Nice to see you! Looks like a happy photographer!
Gill Kopy15-May-2022 02:33
Hi Zoltan - nice to meet you :)
Walter Otto Koenig14-May-2022 15:42
You're looking well! Great to see you Zoltán!
bill friedlander14-May-2022 15:23
Nice to see you. V
Helen Betts14-May-2022 13:29
Nice to see you again, Zoli, after all these years! V.
Jeff Real14-May-2022 12:53
Ready rot do your thing!
This is just awesome.
Fong Lam14-May-2022 08:55
Hello Zoltan! :o) V
Tom LeRoy14-May-2022 08:42
So good to see you my friend! V
joseantonio14-May-2022 06:49
nice portrait.V.
François Fauchard14-May-2022 06:12
Bonjour Zoltan. Tu as fait un très beau reportage. Merci !
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