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Sant Cugat del Vallès (Vallès Occidental)

Famous mainly for its impressive Romanesque cloister, the Monestir de Sant Cugat (Monastery of Sant Cugat), run by the Benedictine order, contains pre-Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance elements.
Constructed between the 9th and 14th centuries, the church features the classic basilica plan of three naves and three apses, which are based on the remains of a Roman castrum. The temple is characterised by the sobriety of the Romanesque period in the lack of decoration and low light, and the Gothic grandeur thanks to the thirteenth century dome: an eight-sided tower with large windows.
The prosperity of the twelfth century led to the construction of the first floor of the cloister, consisting of long galleries with arches that rest on pillars and several pairs of columns. However, the most eye-catching feature for visitors must be the 144 Romanesque capitals.Made with stones from Montjuïc, they were carved between the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries and feature something completely unusual: the author's signature. As such, we know that the sculptor, Arnau Cadell, made a self-portrait on a Corinthian capital and wrote in Latin: "This is the image of Arnau Cadell, sculptor, who built this cloister for posterity".

Canon EOS 70D
1/500s f/7.1 at 27.0mm iso100 full exif

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Julie Oldfield29-Apr-2022 17:46
An interesting contrast between old and modern. V
Dennis Hoyne29-Apr-2022 02:30
A lovely shot of this beautiful architecture.
Jean Chiasson29-Apr-2022 00:14
Beautiful scene composition Jose V
Tom Munson28-Apr-2022 22:25
Folks are having a good time, Jose. Nice shot.
marie-jose wolff28-Apr-2022 21:38
a nice festive atmosphere in this beautiful medieval city! V
Hank Vander Velde28-Apr-2022 19:57
A nice well composed image Jose.
Colin Storey28-Apr-2022 19:28
Wonderful image of this impressive monastery.
Nick Paoni28-Apr-2022 19:07
Those colorful balloons make a great contrast the the earth tones of the building.
Nirvan Hope28-Apr-2022 17:35
Quite the difference between the foreground activities and the old monastery!
Helen Betts28-Apr-2022 17:29
Interesting contrasts in this fine monastery capture. V.
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