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April 6

Swimming Season!

I like it best between 72° and 78°. Most years it gets warmer than 85° by July/August. That's when everyone else likes it.

Apple iPhone 8
1/5300s f/1.8 at 4.0mm iso25 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kevin D Warren13-Apr-2022 14:56
60s are my ideal range, but I'm not opposed to 72F! :-)
Don Mottershead11-Apr-2022 01:19
I agree with you. 72 (or 22 in Canada) is as warm as it needs to be.
Doug Cruden09-Apr-2022 16:41
I must admit, I like it on the warmer side...there's an outdoor lido here in Cheltenham, took the kids one summer when they were tiny but the water felt so cold we only last about half-an-hour :o)
Julie Oldfield08-Apr-2022 01:02
Must be nice! What a great 3D effect. V
Dennis Hoyne07-Apr-2022 23:00
The perfect temperature for splashing about! Neat shot.
Nestor Derkach07-Apr-2022 19:01
Nice teasing temperature for us on the east coast raining yesterday and today.
We may get our first 70s next week.
Nice light perfect background with superb detail.
globalgadabout07-Apr-2022 17:59
that's like an average day in high summer up here, and very comfortable conditions...the thermometer stands out well, almost in 3D, against the inviting pool water..
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte07-Apr-2022 17:47
Very beautiful picture, great execution compliments.
joseantonio07-Apr-2022 15:49
summer is here....V
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