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13-Mar-2022 Jola Dziubinska


Karpacz, Poland

It is the famous Boleslawiec Pottery, produced in the town of Boleslawiec in south-western Poland.
The ceramics are characterized by an indigo blue polka dot pattern on a white background or vice versa.
More designs include florals, speckles and "peacocks eye".
The hand made pottery became one of Poland's unofficial cultural symbols.

1/640s f/5.6 at 18.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dennis Hoyne17-Mar-2022 01:44
A lovely way to start the day, coffee from those beautiful mugs.
Mieke WA Minkjan16-Mar-2022 16:24
these mugs are beautiful V
LynnH16-Mar-2022 01:03
Some very pretty mugs here!
larose forest photos15-Mar-2022 18:47
These mugs are all beautiful, I especially like the blue and white ones. V
Liz Bickel15-Mar-2022 06:24
So beautiful!!!
carol j. phipps15-Mar-2022 03:16
Very nice selection. V
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