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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring Scavenger Hunt 2022 > Muse
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02-MARCH-2022 Carol J Phipps


Muse—to be absorbed in thought.
Sweet Gracie and video of Rainforests.

Apple iPhone 6S

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH06-Mar-2022 18:30
Perfect for Muse! :)
Jola Dziubinska06-Mar-2022 01:24
Very nice scene. V.
Yohanan David05-Mar-2022 06:03
Great shot! V
Graeme04-Mar-2022 12:50
Very well composed.V
Julie Oldfield04-Mar-2022 02:01
Perfect! V
larose forest photos04-Mar-2022 01:52
Terrific composition, really well done. V
John Vass03-Mar-2022 23:00
Fun and colorful! V
Mieke WA Minkjan03-Mar-2022 16:00
lovely composition V
joseantonio03-Mar-2022 04:34
a lovely composition.V.
Dennis Hoyne03-Mar-2022 03:04
A really wonderful composition.
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