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Nestor Derkach | all galleries >> Galleries >> BIRDS > PURPLE FINCH
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2-22-2022 Nestor Derkach


Wilmington Delaware USA

Nikon D7100 ,Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF-S
SS 1/5000 F/4 ISO/400 WB/Sun Center Weighted /Manual full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
fotabug24-Feb-2022 22:04
A really beautiful portrait of this lovely bird!
Dave Petersen Photography23-Feb-2022 13:24
A spectacular combination of lighting, colors, details, pose and clarity. The light adds a beautiful vibrance in this outstanding capture. Starting that your bird photography is exceptional would be an understatement. VV++
Fong Lam22-Feb-2022 14:20
A beautiful well detailed closeup of this pretty the colors and pose as well...V
Graeme22-Feb-2022 11:33
A superb capture of this pretty finch, Nestor.V
Zoltán Balogh22-Feb-2022 09:48
Marvellious image of this lovely finch! V
Charlene Ambrose22-Feb-2022 08:30
Beautiful capture, Nestor. Marvelous detail and color. V
Hank Vander Velde21-Feb-2022 21:00
Excellent sharp close-up image Nestor.
Pierre Martin21-Feb-2022 20:54
splendid detailed picture, great light and bg!
barbarajoy21-Feb-2022 20:48
Clarity, light and detail are perfect here. A sweet little bird captured so well.
Allan Jay21-Feb-2022 19:45
Wonderful beautiful bird which appears
to be floating!
joseantonio21-Feb-2022 19:44
lovely light and tones.V.
Walter Otto Koenig21-Feb-2022 19:21
Nice sharp shot from this angle. Great detail and beautiful colors. Very nice bokeh as well. "V"
Tom Munson21-Feb-2022 19:14
Beautiful work, Nestor.
Nick Paoni21-Feb-2022 19:04
Love the bright eye.
Helen Betts21-Feb-2022 18:17
Such beautiful color and excellent detail in this great closeup. V.
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