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30-Jan-2022 Christine Hanrahan


Rockcliffe Park

There were a number of newly installed ice decorations at the dog park yesterday! This was one of the prettiest.

For others scavenging in the New Year:

Panasonic LUMIX FZ200
1/200s f/4.0 at 39.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Patrick Goossens01-Feb-2022 20:45
What a great idea and it looks so nice
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-Feb-2022 17:44
Nice presentation of this artwork. V
pkocinski01-Feb-2022 12:48
Pretty and neat that someone makes them for the dog park.
Graeme01-Feb-2022 12:40
This is so pretty with the light on it, Christine.V!!
Terry Sprague01-Feb-2022 12:15
Nirvan Hope01-Feb-2022 01:55
Very cool! Delicate and elegant.
Carl Carbone01-Feb-2022 01:43
Beautiful! We made these once when our daughter was younger.
Dennis Hoyne01-Feb-2022 00:52
Such a neat idea, and this lovely decoration so nicely photographed.
globalgadabout31-Jan-2022 23:31
an inspired piece...what a delight to see and consider..
LynnH31-Jan-2022 22:19
It's a beautiful creation. What a great idea! V
Jeff Real31-Jan-2022 20:48
What a wonderful thing you have found.
You always fine the most inspiring subjects.
Very beautiful work.
Helen Betts31-Jan-2022 20:39
What a beautiful ice installation and a great capture of it. V.
Mairéad31-Jan-2022 20:04
Isn't it lovely! What a fun project.
Allan Jay31-Jan-2022 19:42
That's stunning...Cjristine!
joseantonio31-Jan-2022 19:30
nicely captured and presented.V.
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