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Chris | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2022 New Year - January - February - March > Silhouette, Clouds & Shadows: 3-in-one
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31st January 2022 chrishadden

Silhouette, Clouds & Shadows: 3-in-one

Berck sur Mer

A very high tide and strong wind warning this morning on the coast.
Truly spectacular.

New Year Scavenger Hunt Please see HERE

Doug Cruden13-Feb-2022 11:43
This is gorgeous Chris, very moody & dramatic with those God rays blasting through the clouds...terrific capture
Graeme01-Feb-2022 15:36
The whole scene is like that from a disaster movie, Chris. Magnificent image.V!!!
LynnH01-Feb-2022 03:05
Beautiful and dramatic lighting! Well done!! V
Johnny JAG31-Jan-2022 22:00
Nicely done.
Dennis Hoyne31-Jan-2022 19:40
I'm with Christine on this, it really has impact and is perfectly composed!
larose forest photos31-Jan-2022 19:23
Wow, the light and the sky are amazing. This is a moody, but exciting shot, beautifully captured. VV
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