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The Irish government announced yesterday that all restrictions around the pandemic have been removed, barring wearing masks in indoor settings such as retail and public transport.
Pubs, restaurants, theatres, etc can once again open as normal with full capacity.
Covid vaccine certs are only required for international travel.
The decision was made because although the Omnicron variant resulted in a dramatic increase in case numbers, this didn't translate into an increase in people being hospitalised or admitted to ICU.
Vaccination rates are high in Ireland, around 95%.
I walked around town this evening while waiting to collect a takeaway.
The bars were busy and the local arts centre was back open.
I'll probably continue to 'hibernate' for a while and see how the easing of restrictions pans out.

Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II
1/160s f/1.8 at 25.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Vijay Nanda04-Feb-2022 02:16
Hope it stays this way and improves further. Remarkable shot!
joseantonio25-Jan-2022 21:58
similar situation here.V.
Doug Cruden24-Jan-2022 20:46
Sensible plan Mairead - very similar situation here in the UK, and I will just keep a low profile for a week or two to see how things pan out
Jeff Real23-Jan-2022 14:37
I love the colors in this beautiful night scene!
Carl Carbone23-Jan-2022 13:40
Nice capture. I think your cautiousness is smart. Nice to hear 95% are vaccinated, though. Wish the self-important 35% in the US would wake up.
Danad23-Jan-2022 11:07
A superb night shot !
Good news, at last !
globalgadabout23-Jan-2022 02:27
an atmospheric scene well animated by the passerby...the rush to re-open has had serious consequences in some parts of Canada, so let hope it works out in Ireland..
Don Mottershead23-Jan-2022 01:22
Excellent photo. V
Yes, "wait and see" is a prudent policy.
Julie Oldfield23-Jan-2022 01:11
I can’t wait for this to be over with. This has an ominous feeling with her walking into the darkness. V
larose forest photos23-Jan-2022 00:47
Great shot to illustrate your text. I think you're wise to wait a bit yet. V
Helen Betts23-Jan-2022 00:41
Great capture of things to come. I think I'd so the same as you and wait and see a bit before embracing this new freedom wholeheartedly. V.
LynnH23-Jan-2022 00:29
Same here. People are sick, but almost all vaccinated folks are better in a few days. We're still being cautious about indoors activities, just waiting to see how the next few weeks go. Nice reportage and shot today. V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Jan-2022 22:40
Very nice night shot with this lighting and well timed too. "V"
Great that your restrictions are easing. The vaccination rate is impressive.
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