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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > November 10
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November 10


Nikon D850 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/800s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh20-Nov-2021 13:10
LOL, perfect timing! :) V
Doug Cruden20-Nov-2021 12:57
Fill 'er up!
Arthur Lebacq15-Nov-2021 10:12
A wonderful and lovely shot....perfectly timed.....VV
pkocinski12-Nov-2021 11:53
Fabulous capture!
Julie Oldfield12-Nov-2021 00:21
Great timing to catch him taking a sip. I can see every detail. V
Ton T.11-Nov-2021 16:14
Haha! Intriguing and amazing shot! V
Jean Chiasson11-Nov-2021 15:02
Spectacular portrait timing Walter V
larose forest photos11-Nov-2021 14:41
Amazing!!! This shot is perfectly timed and beautifully executed. What a massive and sympathetic creature he is. VV
Marcia Rules11-Nov-2021 13:35
This should be a poster! HUGE VOTE
davidksmith11-Nov-2021 13:34
Walter, very nice image. Well timed, with sharp detail and super composition.
John Reynolds LRPS11-Nov-2021 13:20
Great capture!
danad11-Nov-2021 09:16
Great timing !
victorswan11-Nov-2021 08:48
Wow what a lovely shot and what an imposing animal, here fantastically captured at a beautiful moment, very nice work BV
Tom LeRoy11-Nov-2021 08:21
Wow! A fantastic shot of this remarkable moment, Walter. V
joseantonio11-Nov-2021 04:48
great closeup details.V.
Raymond Ma11-Nov-2021 04:47
Oh this is so perfect Walter! A fabulous image. V
Gill Kopy11-Nov-2021 03:44
Wow ! you sure timed this perfectly !! Well done V
KAI-WING LEUNG11-Nov-2021 02:02
Great catch! Good timing! V
globalgadabout11-Nov-2021 01:20
the pause that refreshes....fantastic shot Walter, and so sympathetic as well...V
Neil Marcus11-Nov-2021 00:59
Magazine worthy image. "Big Vote"
Isabel Cutler11-Nov-2021 00:53
Oh my goodness. That poor old creature must have some toothaches.
Raymond10-Nov-2021 22:52
Great catch
Jeff B.10-Nov-2021 22:42
Perfect timing. Great moment. V
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