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Neil Marcus | all galleries >> Florida >> St. Petersburg, FL > Alligator Country.
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Alligator Country.

Sony Alpha α7R II
1/125s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
George McCarten15-Mar-2022 13:03
A nice looking place .... To view from the shoreline, or about a couple of yards behind the shoreline.
Don Mottershead30-Oct-2021 00:25
A tranquil scene, but don't get too tranquil with those gators.
Jeff Real23-Oct-2021 12:10
It is an idyllic scene and a beautiful image!
Your title reminds us of what lies unseen.
Kevin D Warren22-Oct-2021 19:01
The greens and blues look like full on summer for me. A tranquil scene with an underlying sense of foreboding due to alligators.
Walter Otto Koenig22-Oct-2021 18:30
Looks deceptively calm and peaceful. I like the thick vegetation. "V"
Nestor Derkach22-Oct-2021 15:59
A very nice water scene but not for swimming a nice image entrance and exit reflections sharp and image size superb.
Philip P22-Oct-2021 14:13
Beautiful capture!
Marcia Rules22-Oct-2021 13:09
Don't get too close!
Tom Beech22-Oct-2021 11:24
They reached a fair trade deal with the alligator union, you take their photo, they take your leg
joseantonio22-Oct-2021 03:39
I guess there are quite a few of them in that amazing place.V.
Gill Kopy22-Oct-2021 03:19
A marvelous place for alligators to hide - such dense forest - looks like a great place to explore ! V
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