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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > September 26
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September 26

Oktoberfest in El Cajon, California

Looks like we're back to normal.
79% of all people in the county are vaccinated (over 2.3 million), in the age group 60-69, 93.4% are vaccinated.
We also have one of the lowest transmission rates in the country.

Nikon D850 ,AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
1/800s f/4.0 at 125.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh07-Oct-2021 01:45
Superb and fun shot! V
victorswan30-Sep-2021 10:52
You must by happy, I think, it's a nostalgia moment again, a fantastic candid and lovely hat BV
Julie Oldfield27-Sep-2021 23:12
Love it! V
Marcia Rules27-Sep-2021 13:51
Definitely good news and I would wear this hat!
Neil Marcus27-Sep-2021 12:20
That is a great image of a very relaxed man. "V"
danad27-Sep-2021 10:14
A superb candid, like a symbol of life starting again...
Raymond27-Sep-2021 10:03
And yet, looking at the crowd there, no one wearing a mask for protection, getting into a crowded place all close to one another ... sure is like playing Russian roulette to me, counting on statistics for protection! I just takes one to start the ball rolling!
Gill Kopy27-Sep-2021 04:20
What a fun shot !! Good to hear the COVID situation is improving V
Bryan Murahashi27-Sep-2021 03:48
Great photo of the fun times again.
joseantonio27-Sep-2021 03:42
time to have some fun outside.V.
Nirvan Hope27-Sep-2021 03:31
That's great news for your county. That guy is certainly celebrating. A lovely candid.
Kevin D Warren27-Sep-2021 00:13
Wonderful news and a great shot to represent it. Cool hat, great smile and...Warsteiner! What's not to like here?
globalgadabout26-Sep-2021 23:56
now there's a beer lover for upbeat image to behold...sounds better on the Covid front too..
Regine L.26-Sep-2021 23:15
Zum Wohl!
Carl Carbone26-Sep-2021 23:14
Maybe it's the beer? Great candid. Stay well.
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