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"Gallardy Sunbird"

Rubeho Mountains

What are the chances, just a few days before you’re about to visit one of East Africa's most remote mountain ridges, that news would erupt of an epic discovery of a new species of a Sunbird, found a few weeks earlier by Ross and Mellisa Gallardy... and that you might be only the third person in the world to see it?!
Well... we recently returned from a four-week trip to Tanzania , and fortunately managed to set our eyes upon a
stunning adult male, one that gave us killer views! Good thing I was carrying my tripod, as when this little pajarito emerged in my viewfinder, I nearly fell over from excitement. I fired off a short burst of images before he'd already dashed off, never to be seen again. It was as if he knew that his secret was out: the world knows now that he exists.
This was undoubtedly the highlight of our trip, and a truly magical moment. All off a sudden, the cold, rainy weather that morning didn’t matter. Thank you, Ross and Mellisa, for sharing the information, and for helping us refind your Sunbird. What a find! What a stunner!
For the full story-

Canon EOS R5 ,Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS II USM
1/500s f/4.0 at 600.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 20-Feb-2022 13:48
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