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Carl Carbone | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2021 > 08/27/2021 - _42A0483.jpg
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27-Aug-2021 Carl Carbone

08/27/2021 - _42A0483.jpg

Red-banded Leafhopper - Graphocephala coccinea

Canon EOS R5
1/100s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Don30-Aug-2021 22:24
One might argue whether 'tis red- or blue-banded, but the combined effect is really striking. No camouflage here; I wonder what is going on.
Pierre30-Aug-2021 12:37
Une superbe photo de ce magnifique insecte coloré! V
Julie Oldfield29-Aug-2021 14:25
Wow….that is breathtaking. V
Doug Cruden29-Aug-2021 11:21
Wowsers, that's a colourful little guy...super shot Carl
Ton T.29-Aug-2021 07:58
Fascinating design and colors! Eye catching V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Aug-2021 17:46
What a cool find. Love the vivid colors and markings.
Don Mottershead28-Aug-2021 17:40
Amazing colours. Presumably that is a poison warning to discourage predators.
Great capture.
Jeff Real28-Aug-2021 12:36
That little fellow is just showing off!
What an incredible subject and your image is magnificent.
Nirvan Hope28-Aug-2021 04:53
Amazing! You must have been thrilled to find this beauty!
joseantonio28-Aug-2021 03:34
nice capture of those colors.V.
bill friedlander28-Aug-2021 01:37
Wow! Fantastic image! V
Pierre Martin28-Aug-2021 00:59
what a beauty, so colored, wonderful picture!
Hank Vander Velde28-Aug-2021 00:23
That's one colorful Leafhopper and an excellent sharp close-up image of it.
janescottcumming27-Aug-2021 22:07
Wow is right! What a find. Very neat looking.
Helen Betts27-Aug-2021 21:50
Wow, love the brilliant color in this leafhopper! Nicely detailed capture of it, too.
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