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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> The New World > Tomorrow's Salad.
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Tomorrow's Salad.

Near Vernon, BC

There's a new factory in the valley producing packaged salads. Interesting to watch things come and go in the vast fields.

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/400s f/6.3 at 12.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Vijay Nanda13-Sep-2022 20:15
Well deserved winning shot ! excellent composition and great DOF.
cits_4_pets13-Sep-2022 19:05
Great perspective and lovely composition. v
carol j. phipps13-Sep-2022 15:52
Outstanding composition. Strong on line, color, and composition. First Place in PBase Show & Tell—theme: Photos Strong on Line and Story. Vote
Zoltán Balogh25-Apr-2022 10:21
Outstanding image, wow! V
Marisa Livet16-Sep-2021 18:46
This is truly a great photo, Gill! I am not surprised anymore because I know you have a special talent for composing your photos.
Apostolos Tikopoulos19-Aug-2021 21:09
Splendid image and great perspective. V.
Arthur Lebacq11-Jul-2021 07:02
This is really a wonderful the perspective and tones here...interesting note...excellent work....VV
Ton T.16-Jun-2021 14:53
A magnificent shot Gill! Great lines and tones! V
Liz Bickel16-Jun-2021 07:08
What a great image!!! I love the perspective. Very well shot.
Graeme14-Jun-2021 23:29
An outstanding view of this beautiful landscape.V
janescottcumming14-Jun-2021 22:48
That's a great composition. V
Arnie Peterschmidt13-Jun-2021 04:57
Great vantage point for capturing this scene, well done! Precision agriculture set in a scenic valley.
Don13-Jun-2021 03:41
That's a lot of salad!
Nirvan Hope13-Jun-2021 03:27
A great perspective on the varieties of green on this salad farm.
barbarajoy13-Jun-2021 01:18
Great picture, aspect, fertility and composition. However I agree with Carol - hope the salads are not packaged in plastic! V
Carol E Sandgren13-Jun-2021 01:06
Almost a shame that this produce will all be packaged to be sold and not loose like in a farmstead! But I love the shot with the green strips of different produce fanning out like it is. Wonderful image, Gill! Now you have to get yourself some greens!!!
lou_rozensteins12-Jun-2021 23:54
That's a lot of salads! Nice perspective.
bill friedlander12-Jun-2021 16:24
A variety of greens in those long straight beds. V
Don Mottershead12-Jun-2021 16:04
Wonderful image, and interesting information. I wonder if the salad kits will end up in our local store. V
danad12-Jun-2021 15:28
Une très belle composition ! Les nuances de vert sont magnifiques et se marient avec les gris du ciel et des collines. La perspective est superbe ! BV.
Helen Betts12-Jun-2021 14:41
The rows look almost luminous in this beautiful capture. V.
Jeff Real12-Jun-2021 13:16
This is absolutely gorgeous!
They should pay you to use this!
This is wonderful!
Neil Marcus12-Jun-2021 11:24
A beautiful scene and an an interesting process to watch. "VVV"
John Vass12-Jun-2021 05:41
Wow! Amazing shot! This would be interesting to watch. V
globalgadabout12-Jun-2021 05:26
an enthralling scene, your insightful shot drawing the eye right along those extensive plant beds...they are thinking big here, and so were you!!..V
joseantonio12-Jun-2021 05:09
an interesting view of the valley.V
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