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Don Mottershead | all galleries >> Manual Focus Lenses >> Tokina 80-200mm f/4.5 >
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Focus peaking on the Z6 doesn't work for something like this. You get
a lot of "false positives" when working with a shallow depth of field.
For example, the red outlines will appear around this bug for quite
a wide range of positions of the focus ring, but most of those
positions will be slightly out of focus. But not to worry, because
magnification in the EVF allows you to focus more precisely.

Focus peaking is great for manual focus lenses when you
are working with a deeper DOF, but not for shots like this.

No idea what this bug is. My depth of bug knowledge
is shallower than the DOF in this photo.

Best viewed at original size.

Nikon Z 6 ,Tokina 80-200mm f/4.5
1/200s iso3600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov01-Aug-2023 06:46
Superb! V
Liz Bickel11-Jun-2021 07:58
Beautiful pattern on this Cranefly's wings. Very sharp image.
Carl Carbone10-Jun-2021 11:16
Beautiful macro.
Raymond Ma05-Jun-2021 21:15
Your depth of photography is remarkable. V
Ursula Miller05-Jun-2021 15:34
Excellent capture! V
larose forest photos05-Jun-2021 14:20
This is a beautiful big Cranefly (entirely harmless!!)in the Tipulidae family. Very cool shot of it. V
John Hamers05-Jun-2021 13:36
Beautiful capture of the bug, very nice in this symmetrical pose. V!
Gill Kopy05-Jun-2021 04:12
It sure has extraordinarily long legs !! but quite a beauty - nice work V
Neil Marcus05-Jun-2021 02:26
Well takeh. It had patience waiting you to take the picture
globalgadabout05-Jun-2021 01:28
spindly and elegant, and so superbly articulated..
Julie Oldfield05-Jun-2021 00:21
A skeeter? It’s fearsome looking. Love the detail. V
Helen Betts04-Jun-2021 23:39
Scary looking insect, but I think your picture of it is fine, especially those intricate wings.
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