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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> Road Fever Returns > Not on Any Maps
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Not on Any Maps

Keep thinking that!
Keep Nevada Wild

May Scavenger Hunt.
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Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III
1/200s f/4.5 at 41.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Yiannis Pavlis29-May-2021 12:35
Very nice image
Mieke WA Minkjan26-May-2021 08:52
great and thoughtful find V
carol j. phipps26-May-2021 01:32
Excellent find!!! V
larose forest photos26-May-2021 00:39
I'm all for keeping places as wild as can be. Think I would love to live in a place called Nowhere! Great shot for this challenge and the topic of label. V
laine25-May-2021 23:44
What no hamburger joints ??? :)
LynnH25-May-2021 19:57
:) As soon as someone moves there, it becomes somewhere.