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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vintage Time > Oh, I need whip cream and marshmallows...
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29-Apr-2021 Paolo Peggi

Oh, I need whip cream and marshmallows...

Sony Alpha α7 II , Minolta Rokkor-PG 58mm f/1.2
1/100s iso400 f/2 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh28-May-2021 13:46
What a pose, she is hot! :) V
Jeff Real16-May-2021 14:23
Such excellence of technique here!
An amazing pose.
Pierre15-May-2021 11:13
Un joli modèle dans une splendide pose! V
George McCarten14-May-2021 07:32
Ok, I'll be right back!
Eduard Lampe13-May-2021 11:03
Very nice! V
Carl Carbone12-May-2021 17:18
Wow. Stunning pose and capture.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad12-May-2021 17:16
Lovely young woman and a fine portrait. V
Nestor Derkach12-May-2021 15:36
Excellent monochrome portrait nice white wrap placed nicely for the portrait.
Nice expression and wonderful use of the hands to deliver the pose.
Walter Otto Koenig12-May-2021 13:26
Great pose. Wonderful in b&w. "V"
John Hamers12-May-2021 10:14
Beautiful portrait and nice pose. V!
Borisalex12-May-2021 06:34
Very hot! V
Dennis Hoyne12-May-2021 02:30
I not sure about the marsh mellows, but the whipped cream would be fine!
francoisconstantin12-May-2021 02:04
She's got the look!!! VVV
Pierre Martin12-May-2021 00:07
splendid b&w, the pose is very sensual!
Allan Jay11-May-2021 20:30
An extremely sensuous capture!
Carter Creek11-May-2021 18:58
Oh my goodness, how beautiful. I love the bnw treatment. V
Philip P11-May-2021 18:38
Super portrait, artfully wrapped!
Apostolos Tikopoulos11-May-2021 18:37
Beautiful portrait work and excellent tones. V.
Colin Storey11-May-2021 18:17
Great portrait and pose.
SLC_Images11-May-2021 18:01
Another masterful pose for your lovely subject. She looks great in color or b/w...VT!
Jeff B.11-May-2021 17:48
Fantastic! V
John Vass11-May-2021 17:27
Darn it and all I have have is strawberries... V
Neil Marcus11-May-2021 17:22
Ohh...what can I say. "VV"
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