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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2021 > From an old print photograph from the 1990's
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May 1991

From an old print photograph from the 1990's

One of my all time favourite places

Canon CanoScan LiDE 210

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dave Petersen Photography20-Jun-2021 12:26
This image has a very beautiful abstract feel of flowing lines, textures and colors. Geology becoming fine art in this wonderful aerial capture. VV
Graeme15-Jun-2021 12:41
An outstanding capture of this amazing landscape!! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-May-2021 17:40
So beautiful and creative work. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Apr-2021 14:52
Lovely work.V
Anitta10-Apr-2021 17:26
Such an amazing scene! V
janescottcumming10-Apr-2021 11:44
Such amazing colors, where is this? V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Apr-2021 18:39
Grande dettaglio e ottimi colori.V
fotabug29-Mar-2021 20:15
And a fantastic photograph it is!
Jean-Gregoire Marin18-Mar-2021 16:30
Superb photo of this caldera V
Where was it?
Long Bach Nguyen15-Mar-2021 06:04
wonderful abstract of the crater or cinder cones
Doug Cruden13-Mar-2021 10:35
Lovely contrasting colours...
Bill Miller13-Mar-2021 02:12
Super shapes and colours in this volcanic landscape
Fletcher Wildlife Garden12-Mar-2021 01:48
This is fabulous! Good job converting it too. Where is it? V
bill friedlander12-Mar-2021 00:18
Wonderful colors. Looks like contemporary art. V
Colin Storey11-Mar-2021 19:58
Fantastic landscape scene.
John Reynolds LRPS11-Mar-2021 19:48
Quite a surreal landscape. V.
Walter Otto Koenig11-Mar-2021 16:31
Like the colors and shapes in this aerial view. "V"
danad11-Mar-2021 11:21
It makes a fine abstract with great colors. V.
Wintermeer11-Mar-2021 09:06
Most impressive! ~V~
fotabug11-Mar-2021 02:51
Amazing and beautiful! Where is this?
globalgadabout10-Mar-2021 22:48
a wondrous landscape...looks like collapsed volcanos and mineral rich soil, wherever it is..
Helen Betts10-Mar-2021 22:35
Color is amazing in this beautiful landscape capture. V.
John Hamers10-Mar-2021 21:59
Amazing landscape with beautiful colors. Superb capture. V!
joseantonio10-Mar-2021 21:02
what an amazing aerial view.V
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