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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2021 > Baillie on his morning walk
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Baillie on his morning walk

Leica CL
1/400s f/4.5 at 135.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean-Claude Billonneau01-Nov-2021 23:22
Beau cadrage.V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Feb-2021 18:45
Excellent shot,Martin.Voted
Doug Cruden08-Feb-2021 22:04
I like the gentle curve of the path...hope Baillie enjoyed his walk :o)
janescottcumming29-Jan-2021 14:48
Looks like a great path for walking and it looks like Baillie's tail is even wagging. V
godro22-Jan-2021 00:57
Nice scene!
slhoornstra19-Jan-2021 07:46
A charming capture! V
Bill Miller18-Jan-2021 23:38
A lovely relaxed scene to enjoy
Roy Birger Nilsen16-Jan-2021 17:31
Great shot,Martin! Frost is very photogenic but cold..... :-)
Dave Petersen Photography13-Jan-2021 13:51
A frosty and beautiful early morning capture. A wonderful composition with the leading lines and the star of the show, Baillie. VV
Irene Wehrli11-Jan-2021 15:02
What a beautiful landscape for a morning walk with the dog...
Wish I would be there
Jeff Real11-Jan-2021 14:40
What a beautiful moment!
A very pretty setting for such a memorable image!
Tom LeRoy11-Jan-2021 10:16
A wonderful shot of his morning walk. Crisp and colorful scenery too. V
Colin Storey10-Jan-2021 16:41
Lovely frosty morning scene.
Anitta10-Jan-2021 15:56
Excellent composition of this lady and her dog. V
John Reynolds LRPS10-Jan-2021 10:16
Beautiful place for a walk. V.
Jean D10-Jan-2021 01:17
A lovely well framed scene on this early morning capture, Martin. ~V
Range View 09-Jan-2021 22:39
A chilly morning walk! The light and shadow are gorgeous. V
Walter Otto Koenig09-Jan-2021 19:47
Very nice perspective and depth of field. "V"
bill friedlander09-Jan-2021 16:37
A nice place to fill your lungs with fresh air. V
Johnny JAG09-Jan-2021 14:40
Looks like a lovely crisp morning
John Hamers09-Jan-2021 12:11
Nice place and fine conditions for a morning walk. Great capture.!V
Borisalex09-Jan-2021 10:30
You never walk alone! Beautiful path and winter scene! V
fotabug09-Jan-2021 05:08
What a great place for a morning walk. So they got you out too! :)
Helen Betts09-Jan-2021 00:54
I'm impressed that Baillie isn't all bundled up! V.
globalgadabout08-Jan-2021 23:46
must have been brisk in the shade...pretty spot for a walk though, and such a good way to enjoy the day..
Wintermeer08-Jan-2021 23:42
Delightful, the light is lovely! ~V~
Missed Opportunities08-Jan-2021 23:09
You're having the same weather that we've got - - clear & cold!
Allan Jay08-Jan-2021 22:22
Wonderful warm moment captured, Martin.
joseantonio08-Jan-2021 22:22
looks like a lovely winter morning.V.
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