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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2020 > Over our garden fence
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Over our garden fence

Looking West

Leica CL
1/160s f/3.5 at 55.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden05-Dec-2020 13:21
Lovely light and rich late autumnal colours...what a super place to live!!
Dave Petersen Photography03-Dec-2020 14:12
A very beautiful view and capture highlighted with spectacular lighting. It must be nice to have so much open space and privacy. VV
Tom LeRoy02-Dec-2020 13:38
A wonderful view ! I'd never get tired of viewing this. V
Jeff Real01-Dec-2020 23:22
This is an artistic beauty!
danad01-Dec-2020 15:25
A wonderful automnal scene ! V.
Bill Miller01-Dec-2020 08:21
Wonderful lush countryside
Apostolos Tikopoulos30-Nov-2020 20:05
Beautiful view of this wonderful sceney. V.
Colin Storey30-Nov-2020 19:40
You have some amazing views, great image.
Pieter Bos30-Nov-2020 18:58
What a great view! ~V
bill friedlander30-Nov-2020 15:45
A great view of the colorful landscape. v
John Hamers30-Nov-2020 10:48
Wow...what beautiful view of this landscape. A great painterly look. !V
John Reynolds LRPS30-Nov-2020 08:58
Lovely rolling hills. V.
Borisalex30-Nov-2020 06:56
This could be a painting by William Turner with the colors of landscapes! VV
joseantonio30-Nov-2020 04:03
another fine view full of color.V.
globalgadabout30-Nov-2020 00:29
there would be some sense in going west too, as the landscape is so attractive...commendable comp here..
Don Mottershead30-Nov-2020 00:11
What a gorgeous view you have? V
Helen Betts29-Nov-2020 23:59
Wow, what a beautiful landscape you live in the middle of, and well captured. V.
Walter Otto Koenig29-Nov-2020 23:21
What a beautiful view you have. I like the colors and the look of the trees. "V"
Wintermeer29-Nov-2020 22:45
What a great landscape! ~V~
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