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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2020 > Over our garden fence
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Over our garden fence

Late afternoon light from our garden

Leica CL
1/160s f/3.5 at 55.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden29-Nov-2020 17:52
The rich warm colours of a winter's sunset...what a beautiful shot Martin, the light is exquisite
Tom LeRoy29-Nov-2020 14:14
A great country view, what fine Autumn colors and atmosphere! V
Wintermeer29-Nov-2020 09:12
Great autumnal scene! ~V~
Jeff Real28-Nov-2020 14:02
I really love this range of color!
Walter Otto Koenig27-Nov-2020 17:23
Beautiful lighting and tones. What a great view you have. "V"
Marisa Livet27-Nov-2020 16:41
The late afternoon sunlight creates long shadows and golden tones. A photo full of atmosphere
bill friedlander27-Nov-2020 15:37
Lovely light and autumn colors. V
Dave Petersen Photography27-Nov-2020 14:59
Wonderful patterns of light and shadows in this warm and vibrant image. V+
janescottcumming27-Nov-2020 12:52
A pretty composition with such wonderful colors. V
danad27-Nov-2020 11:13
A superb palette of colors ! V.
Borisalex27-Nov-2020 07:51
You don´t need a have a natural fence! Beautiful area and colors of Autumn! V
Liz Bickel27-Nov-2020 05:16
Wow!!! I'm so impressed with where you live. I think I could be happy there. It's so beautiful!!! And without another house in sight.
Robert Houde27-Nov-2020 01:57
Great light for this beauty frame.
Jean D27-Nov-2020 01:03
Beautiful autumn capture with these fine rolling hills.
Missed Opportunities27-Nov-2020 00:43
You are having a beautiful Fall this year!
Long Bach Nguyen26-Nov-2020 22:42
lovely light, colors,
John Hamers26-Nov-2020 21:38
Beautiful light and colors in this great landscape image. V!
Helen Betts26-Nov-2020 20:52
Such marvelous fall colors in this beautiful capture. V.
globalgadabout26-Nov-2020 20:34
solid comp here, and at just the moment..
Don Mottershead26-Nov-2020 20:21
Beautiful scene, beautiful light. V
Colin Storey26-Nov-2020 20:10
Wonderful light and shadows.
Ton T.26-Nov-2020 20:08
Superb landscape in beautiful evening light! V
joseantonio26-Nov-2020 20:00
nice light and colors.V
Martin Lamoon26-Nov-2020 19:55
Late afternoon light from our garden
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