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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds, Squirrels & Chipmunks - Mostly Through My Windows > SRX01071D Curious Pine Siskins
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29-Oct-2020 Isabel Cutler

SRX01071D Curious Pine Siskins

Hurricane Zeta has left us with its high winds and driving rains and these siskins were eating through it all. You can see how the residual high winds are ruffling their feathers. I wanted to make a video of them this morning but the winds were so high that I couldn't shoot outside without drenching my camera.

Sony RX10 IV
1/400s f/4.0 at 143.2mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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larose forest photos29-Oct-2020 21:07
They look a bit ruffled but not ready to abandon the feeder. A beautiful crisp shot.
Sounds like you really felt the latest hurricane. V
Claude Gagnon29-Oct-2020 15:51
Even wet, these nice guys appreciate your feeders :))
Helen Betts29-Oct-2020 15:32
They do look wet and ruffled but happy to be eating.