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Alexander Rutherford (seated), the first Premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory, the first President of the University of Alberta.

Rutherford is holding the University Plan for River Lot 5.

I wonder if they ever imagined, just how big the University of Alberta would become.

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Range View 31-Oct-2020 01:59
An excellent capture of this powerful statue. V
Don Mottershead28-Oct-2020 20:59
Very nicely presented.
Walter Otto Koenig28-Oct-2020 18:06
Cool sculptures. I am always suspicious when politicians get involved in education.
joseantonio28-Oct-2020 04:53
nice statue for these two great men.V.
Helen Betts28-Oct-2020 02:03
Fine capture of these impressive statues. Judging by the size of the plan, perhaps not! V.
Neil Marcus28-Oct-2020 00:52
Judging by the cut of the clothes the plan must be about 100 years ago.
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