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Jean D | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Splendor >
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Jean Durepos

A mix of color..


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Jeff Real11-Nov-2021 12:51
The variety of colors here is astounding!
Very beautiful work.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Nov-2020 19:05
Stunning image.Vote
Martin Lamoon23-Oct-2020 21:13
Fantastic Autumn colours
Graeme23-Oct-2020 10:39
All those beautiful colours from this autumnal scene, Jean.V
janescottcumming22-Oct-2020 12:58
A marvelous fall scene! V
Fong Lam22-Oct-2020 03:56
A lovely scene with beautiful fall colors, Jean...V
Pieter Bos21-Oct-2020 21:56
Lovely colors! ~V
larose forest photos21-Oct-2020 21:03
Stunning. The hills are alive with colour. V
hayl21-Oct-2020 20:39
A beautiful photo of this colourful hillside.
Nestor Derkach21-Oct-2020 15:08
A beautiful fall scene and you name this photo correctly the assortment of fall colors is amazing.
If one was painting this there would be plenty of hues to duplicate.
A very nice point of view.
Walter Otto Koenig21-Oct-2020 15:07
A beautiful view with all these colors. Nice with the soft lighting. "V"
Hank Vander Velde21-Oct-2020 14:59
Beautiful Fall-colour image Jean.
Blandine Mangin21-Oct-2020 14:05
de très belles couleurs d'automne ! v
joseantonio21-Oct-2020 03:40
lovely autumn colors.V.