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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fractals > 35
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Jeff Real06-Oct-2020 02:20
The best color combination with the black!
More extraordinary work here!
Julie Oldfield06-Oct-2020 02:07
Beautiful delicate detail. V
Fabienne05-Oct-2020 16:20
WOW, c'est si beau. la texture et les formes sont de toute beauté.
Tom LeRoy05-Oct-2020 15:27
This looks like the ceiling of a richly decorated castle. Fantastic work!
John Hamers05-Oct-2020 08:26
Beautiful work Graeme. Looks like an Rorschach pattern. !!V
victorswan05-Oct-2020 04:02
this one is completely different from the others, and equally grandious in structure, beautiful variation Graeme BV
joseantonio05-Oct-2020 03:30
fascinating work.V.
larose forest photos05-Oct-2020 01:43
I just love the textures and design here. Outstanding!!! What more can I say, this is fabulous work. VVV
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