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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Galleries >> Capitol Hill Historic Sites Walking Tour > Coal and fuel oil office
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Coal and fuel oil office

302 12th St. SE was built to house the office for a coal and fuel yard which occupied lots to the right, now the site of new homes. Such yards were once common over the Hill.

If coal was delivered to the street in the front of a house, the homeowner was required to move the coal off the street within a day. Furnaces that used fuel oil became popular because the homeowner no longer had to worry about feeding a coal stove in the morning to heat the house, and fuel oil was much cleaner. Indicative of the times, even a small, utilitarian structure such as this had a decorative metal cornice and arches over the window and a door like those used on larger residential buildings.

Unfortunately, this was the only shot I could get of this building, with two cars parked directly in front of it and the neighbor’s trash cans blocking the view. I had first photographed the house next to it, which bears the number “302,” but realized it was wrong when I looked at the restoration society website. A contact I’ve made there told me there was a small house next to it that was part of the same property, so I went back to get a picture of it.


For more information on this historic sites, go to the restoration society’s web page for the tour at

Best to view in "Original" because other versions resized by Pbase are decidedly unsharp.

The Fed grackle, posted earlier:

Apple iPhone 11 Pro
1/120s f/2.0 at 6.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield15-Sep-2020 18:58
That is really cool. I’m glad it’s still there. V
larose forest photos14-Sep-2020 20:32
Love this little building! Seems to be embodying William Morris's dictum that even the most pedestrian of objects (or buildings I suppose) should also be aesthetically pleasing. V
bill friedlander14-Sep-2020 13:25
A cute little building with different style gates at the side. V
Graeme13-Sep-2020 22:43
Great capture of this fuel office and information about it, Helen.V
Hank Vander Velde13-Sep-2020 20:17
Excellent capture well explained Helen.
Nick Paoni13-Sep-2020 19:26
Interesting structure. Looks like it used to have a window on the side that has since been bricked over.
William Barletta13-Sep-2020 19:24
It look like someone lives there now ~V~
Don Mottershead13-Sep-2020 18:16
Amazing construction standards for a small utilitarian building.
joseantonio13-Sep-2020 18:16
interesting information with this image.V
Nestor Derkach13-Sep-2020 18:05
Nice image and the coal generation in this area required some labor guess it could be caller exercise.
Very nice iPhone work excellent resolution but not always the best conditions for photography .