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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> My People,Pets, etc. (4 Sub Galleries) >> Family, Friends and Pets, etc. > Enjoying the Back Yard
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27-Jul-2020 Dan Greenberg

Enjoying the Back Yard

Parker, CO

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Liz Bickel16-Feb-2021 03:54
I don't know how I missed seeing this. Indeed, it would look very cute with Emma and Bailey together. Bailey could perch on one of Emma's front legs. Emma is so pretty.
Jeff Real24-Aug-2020 13:56
She is a perfectly huggable beauty here!'
I love the pure beautiful!
Viviane24-Aug-2020 07:02
Furry and cuddly. Love him.
Fong Lam22-Aug-2020 03:55
Wonderful portrait of this handsome well groomed pet...wonderful pose and framing...V
pkocinski19-Aug-2020 11:54
She's so pretty and furry!
Wim Ensie18-Aug-2020 16:23
It is a majestic dog Dan. V
Carter Creek18-Aug-2020 16:22
Looks like you have a good friend. V
Roland Le Gall18-Aug-2020 16:11
Lovely...My ‘ Mountain of Pyrenees’ was called ‘ Plume ’. 😉
joseantonio18-Aug-2020 15:41
nice and lovely pose.V