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22-Feb-2020 Kaisilver

Gold Ring Price, Factors That Influence Price Of A Gold Ring


What is the price of a gold ring. Giving a generalized answer to a question asking about the price of gold rings is a challenge. While gold is an expensive precious metal, it forms just one element of the price of a ring. Taking the RG144 claddagh emerald gold ring from Kaisilver as an example, we explain the main elements of a gold ring that together define the price of this gold ring. Emerald is a gorgeous gem with tremendous history, it was adored by the monarchs of yesteryear and is loved by red carpet celebrities of today.

With all that goodness, it is no surprise that emerald is an expensive gem. The price of this gold ring would contain the gem cost and the gold cost, as major components. When it comes to gold rings with gems like sapphire, ruby, emerald and diamond - it is not rare for the gem to cost more than the gold component of the ring. The larger the gem or diamond, the higher the cost.

Jewelry can be mass produced with no special attention paid to skilled craftsmanship, this is NOT how Kaisilver crafts gold rings or any other jewelry. The price of Kaisilver gold rings, will include the cost of workmanship - something that is perfectly understandable when it comes to finely handcrafted jewelry.

We cannot end this note about the price of gold rings, without referring to 10k, 14k and 18k gold. A ring similar to the RG144 could be crafted as a 10k ring, 14k ring or 18k ring. The price of the 18k gold ring would be more than, the price of the 10k or 14k gold ring. The 14k gold claddagh ring would have a price that is between, the 10k and 18k rings.

Our report on gold ring price, should provide a better explanation on the question about - What Is the Price Of A Gold Ring ...

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