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Marcia Rules | all galleries >> Galleries >> Northwest Washington > Lifesaver
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Marcia Rules


Elliott Bay, Seattle, WA

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Dan Greenberg04-Nov-2019 21:04
Brilliant, very well seen reflection shot. Such attractive swirls and colors. ~BV~
Kevin Warren03-Nov-2019 13:23
This makes for such an appealing abstract, Marcia. It conveys a sense of the actual with artistic skill and feeling.
Julie Oldfield02-Nov-2019 20:47
Fascinating reflections. They really draw me in. V
Nirvan Hope01-Nov-2019 21:49
Water reflections are one of my favorite themes - this is a wonderful composition with just the right amount of water movement.
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-Nov-2019 19:13
Very nice reflections. V.
Gill Kopy01-Nov-2019 17:06
Love how reflections on the docks draw one in - perfectly captured here. BV
Walter Otto Koenig01-Nov-2019 16:48
Well seen. Love the distorted reflections. "V"
Tom LeRoy01-Nov-2019 16:37
The reflections and red life ring are phenomenal. So well executed. BV
Charlene Ambrose01-Nov-2019 15:15
Very pretty like a watercolor. V
Wim Ensie01-Nov-2019 09:17
The touch of red is a smart point of attention in this fine picture. V
joseantonio01-Nov-2019 05:09
makes for a lovely abstract.V.
Jim Coffman01-Nov-2019 01:07
A interesting capture with a nice array of lines and colors...
globalgadabout01-Nov-2019 01:04
the amorphous shapes stir the mind...bravo Marcia...V
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