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globalgadabout | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kitsilano Beach > cavorting
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the endless canine cavorting at a stretch of shoreline where dogs may run free seems to exemplify the simple joys of a summer's day

Nikon D90
Nikkor 16-85mm - 1/1000s f/11.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
larose forest photos07-Sep-2019 20:39
Dogs love this type of area and boy, do they look happy as owners fondly watch! V
Dan Greenberg07-Sep-2019 19:41
Looks like a lot of fun for everyone, but you have to watch where you step. Great capture. ~V~
Karen Stuebing07-Sep-2019 18:05
A fun capture of these dogs enjoying the beach along with their owners. V.
janescottcumming07-Sep-2019 17:25
They really do look like they are having fun.
Blandine Mangin07-Sep-2019 17:05
une belle ambiance d'un beau moment de détente ! v
Jim Coffman05-Sep-2019 17:22
I think it is great that the dogs get to enjoy the beach as well!!
Very nice image, David...
Don Mottershead05-Sep-2019 16:48
Becky and Max loved visiting Kits Beach. But they definitely needed to be hosed down down after their swim to get rid of the rather strong smell.
Julie Oldfield05-Sep-2019 15:59
So fun. Much better than caged in dog parks. V
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