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Yvonne | all galleries >> E t c e t e r a >> Autumn and Winter in the Hills 2019 > Meyer lemon tree
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02-Aug-2019 Yvonne

Meyer lemon tree

At home in the rose garden.

Our tree continues providing fruit throughout the year - the last of a planting of
23 fruit trees, all but the lemon were dug up and replaced by the beginning of my
rose garden back in 1990. We had absolutely no luck growing fruit trees here, beaten
every time by the birds who would just leave a stone hanging in the tree minus the flesh.
The lemon survived, though possums will eat the very ripe fruit when they fall from
the tree. It is surrounded by roses now, so I had to include some golden yellow
roses to complement this tree. Photo taken from side balcony on a drizzly wet day.
Named after the agricultural explorer Frank Nicholas Meyer.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy05-Aug-2019 11:17
A wonderful frame full of lemons and lush leaves. V
Gill Kopy03-Aug-2019 04:19
Such a lovely full frame of leaves and fruit - too bad the birds don't allow other fruit trees :( V
Dennis Hoyne03-Aug-2019 03:38
What a lovely photo, you must make a lot of lemon pie, and lemonade!
borisalex02-Aug-2019 18:52
Interesting and beautiful tree! V
Walter Otto Koenig02-Aug-2019 15:44
They look great and you have a lot. We also have a Meyer lemon tree that gives us fruit year round. "V"
Raymond02-Aug-2019 10:17
I bet they're sweet … and it nourishes nature!
joseantonio02-Aug-2019 04:04
you have a lot of work in that garden.V.
Carl Carbone02-Aug-2019 03:52
They sure are pretty.
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