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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Maritime >> B.A.P. Unión >
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Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/400s f/11.0 at 14.0mm iso100 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
globalgadabout23-May-2019 00:03
an absorbing view....seems as if the sail was furled in a breeze..
Gill Kopy22-May-2019 23:27
I can smell the canvas :) V
Graeme22-May-2019 22:19
A fine composition and details, Walter.V
laine22-May-2019 20:50
Nice to see the work that goes into sewing those sails..a great angle. V
Martin Lamoon22-May-2019 20:14
An interesting closeup.
Karen Stuebing22-May-2019 20:11
That looks like some heavy canvas. Great capture of this unfurled sail. V.
joseantonio22-May-2019 17:38
nice with those buildings in the background.V.
Neil Marcus22-May-2019 16:53
An interesting way of showing them. I like the view of the city as a comparison."V"
Jim Coffman22-May-2019 16:20
A very nice detailed image!
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