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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Maritime >> B.A.P. Unión >
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Nikon D500 ,Tokina 12-24mm f/4 AT-X AF Pro DX
1/160s f/11.0 at 22.0mm iso100 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-May-2019 16:34
Grande dettaglio,grande fotografia! V
Gill Kopy21-May-2019 03:48
She really is a big ship - and what a beauty ! Great shot V
janescottcumming21-May-2019 00:33
Such a beautiful ship all dressed up with those flags. V
laine20-May-2019 20:19
It's a stunner shot...V
Don Mottershead20-May-2019 18:40
Very nice.
Nirvan Hope20-May-2019 18:17
An impressive and elegant view of this vessel.
joseantonio20-May-2019 17:40
looks spectacular from this angle.V.
carabias20-May-2019 16:26
The masts are great, very beautiful! V
globalgadabout20-May-2019 16:03
cool shot here.....she looks so grand..
Graeme20-May-2019 15:43
A spectacular composition of this amazing ship, Walter.V
Jim Coffman20-May-2019 15:27
What a beauty! Nice image!!
Long Bach Nguyen20-May-2019 15:25
wonderful shot love the sailing ship
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