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LynnH | all galleries >> 2010 - 2019 PBASE CHALLENGES >> DOORS & WINDOWS > Oval Window
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29-Mar-2019 LynnH

Oval Window

Houston, Texas

Drive-by shot.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Irene Wehrli01-Apr-2019 08:28
Now this is a cool one - good find, Lynn!
Timothy Guenther31-Mar-2019 21:49
neat find!
Graeme31-Mar-2019 10:58
Don't see a lot of cars these days with oval windows, Lynn!!V
Yvonne31-Mar-2019 09:49
Pre plastics! Lovely old car.. v
Nick Paoni31-Mar-2019 04:04
Love the reflections in the finish.
Dennis Hoyne31-Mar-2019 00:46
I love the lines of the 41 Ford,!
Helen Betts30-Mar-2019 23:40
Love the toning for this vintage car. V.
globalgadabout30-Mar-2019 23:35
soft and sympathetic curves...if only past design lessons had been absorbed and lasted until today..
laine30-Mar-2019 23:15
Lost in the 50's....lovely. V
PauloCGama30-Mar-2019 23:08
DRAUGHTSMAN30-Mar-2019 21:46
Amazing shape !!!