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Nick Paoni | all galleries >> Galleries >> Today's Photo > Bamboo Lines
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Bamboo Lines

I enjoy creating abstracts from natural scenes. Intentional camera movement was used to create this abstract from a colorful stand of bamboo in the San Diego Botanic Garden.

This image is copyrighted by the photographer and may not be used without permission.

Nikon D750
1/13s f/9.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield30-Jan-2019 02:18
Awesome sense of movement. V
Anitta28-Jan-2019 08:23
Beautiful piece of art! V
LynnH28-Jan-2019 04:51
Nice result! And attractive colors too. V
Dennis Hoyne28-Jan-2019 01:33
Well seen and so well photographed!
Ton T.27-Jan-2019 20:33
Well done Nick! Fascinating lines and colors V
joseantonio27-Jan-2019 19:31
lovely light and tones.V
globalgadabout27-Jan-2019 18:40
the effect of movement makes this the colour palette..
Bryan Murahashi27-Jan-2019 18:06
Beautifully captured.
Blandine Mangin27-Jan-2019 17:25
superb abstract ! v
Jim Coffman27-Jan-2019 16:38
Excellent, Nick!! I love this abstract!
danad27-Jan-2019 16:31
A superb and luminous abstract ! v;
Pawel Kazmierczyk27-Jan-2019 15:35
very eye catching image, bravo!
Helen Betts27-Jan-2019 15:17
What a beautiful abstract, with such a variety of color.
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