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Ed Peterson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter in the Midwest > WalnutGrovePano.jpg
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02-Dec-2018 Edward L Peterson


Walnut Grove Park in Omaha Ne is always a favorite place for me to photograph when it a gray day out. Here is Walnut Grove in the winter just after our first snow storm of the year. Lots of open space between the trees, a pond, picnic tables and benches and a creek running through the park. There were a few people there, exercising their pets and the city crew plowing the road but for the most part it was just an empty beautiful space.

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Sony Alpha α99 II
1/200s f/8.0 at 45.0mm iso100 full exif

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Kevin Warren01-Jun-2019 12:10
Beautifully made image with those trees dominating the frame. Often prefer those gray days for images such as these.
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