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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> Roses in Spring and Summer 2018 > Nora Cunningham
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19-NOV-2018 Yvonne

Nora Cunningham

At home in the rose garden.

A rose named after a friend of the family of Alister Clark, the well known
Australian rose breeder. A charming rose on a small climber, except I
have trained mine as a shrub.

After reading Gill's comment, I wandered out to check the fragrance, and
they do have a strong fruity scent, considering we've had 40-mms of rain
and gales yesterday and overnight, I can still get a strong whiff from battered
blooms. A limb came down on the golden elm alongside this rosebush, minimal
damage to the rose garden which was saved by the lemon tree alongside.
Have been out dead-heading the roses accompanied by a noisy koala,
lucky for me I did take 100's of photos before this storm arrived!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Range View 22-Nov-2018 22:20
The colour is simply gorgeous, interesting that you have trained it into a shrub Von! V
Johnny JAG22-Nov-2018 22:04
Lovely roses
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)22-Nov-2018 20:15
This is amazing! V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Nov-2018 17:14
They look beautiful and they survived the storm well. "V"
Tom LeRoy22-Nov-2018 16:07
Hope the rain didn't do too much damage to this beautiful rose blossoms. Your garden must be a dream of colors and fragrance right now! V
Dennis Hoyne22-Nov-2018 14:23
Beautifully photographed!
Jeff Real22-Nov-2018 14:17
I love the color, the composition and the depth of field
Raymond22-Nov-2018 12:58
Beautiful of course
joseantonio22-Nov-2018 11:17
looks so lovely and beautiful.V.
marie-jose wolff22-Nov-2018 09:59
I love the intense colors of these roses! V
laine22-Nov-2018 09:20
One of Alister's very pretty. We had a 10 minute storm today with 13mm of rain...most welcome.
Gill Kopy22-Nov-2018 02:11
I bet these are fragrant - can sense that right across the Pacific Ocean :) Lovely V
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