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Regine L. | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Neighborhood > Johnson's Lake on a beautiful fall day.
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10-Oct-2018 Regine L.

Johnson's Lake on a beautiful fall day.

Johnson's Lake, Byram, New Jersey

samsung SM-N910V
1/239s f/2.2 at 4.6mm iso40 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)11-Oct-2018 11:13
Stunning photography Regine, this is wonderful.VVV
Hank Vander Velde11-Oct-2018 02:08
Beautiful scene well captured Regine.
Helen Betts10-Oct-2018 22:55
Who needs a new camera when you get captures as lovely as this with your phone!
Wintermeer10-Oct-2018 22:29
Such a lovely landscape- very inviting! ~V~
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