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A look at the interior

As several people have expressed an interest in seeing the interior of this renovated museum, I’m re-posting an old picture taken during the 2016 Folklife Festival. It looks like they’ve done a nice job on the restoration; however, whether the museum will reopen to the public remains in doubt due to funding concerns cited by the Smithsonian Institution and its deteriorating condition, although the building has reportedly been architecturally stabilized.


One of the most unusual of the Smithsonian museums, this is the Arts and Industries Building, opened in 1881. It’s been closed for renovations since 2004, and although it hosted the gift shop for the 2016 Folklife Festival, still isn’t open to the public and its fate remains uncertain. I remember going there years ago to see its exhibit of the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.

Not your everyday museum building, posted earlier:

Nikon D810
1/200s f/8.0 at 38.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis28-Jun-2019 17:31
Nice interior
Zoltán Balogh01-Oct-2018 05:34
Stunning image, wonderfully composed. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography30-Sep-2018 19:25
Excellent captures of this interesting interior, Voted.
Buz Kiefer22-Aug-2018 20:01
Gorgeous interior and exterior. This should be saved. Sure is a break from the rectangles we build today. V
Charlene Ambrose20-Aug-2018 06:41
Thanks for posting! It looks so interesting. I hope it will reopen eventually. V
Liz Bickel19-Aug-2018 05:26
Thanks for the look inside. It's been a really long time since I've seen this in person. You got a very well done shot of the architecture. Hope the museum will soon open again to the public. IMHO, "the people" is the reason for these wonderful museums in our Nation's Capitol.
Jeff Real18-Aug-2018 12:59
Perfectly composed and the details are so amazing
Graeme18-Aug-2018 12:00
A beautiful interior of this museum, Helen. I hope that it will reopen again to the public, it looks very interesting.V
Colin Storey18-Aug-2018 08:50
Great wide angle image of the impressive ceiling.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Aug-2018 07:39
Fantastic shot Helen, love the POV. V
Chris Morton18-Aug-2018 07:20
hope it gets sorted as its too good to waste
Julie Oldfield18-Aug-2018 00:36
Excellent symmetry. Beautiful detail. It reminds me of a mosque. V
bill friedlander17-Aug-2018 20:01
Nice symmetrical shot of the interior. Hope it reopens again. V
Jim Coffman17-Aug-2018 19:24
Wow, such a nice looking interior!! Glad they are remodeling it!
Raymond17-Aug-2018 19:00
Would be a shame to lose such an historic building!