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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> pencil_art > Pencil Art...31
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Pencil Art...31

HMAS Albatross..

Nikon COOLPIX P900
1/30s f/3.2 at 5.9mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2018 17:18
Top notch treatment, Woody. BV
Tom LeRoy02-Aug-2018 19:04
A fine addition to a very dynamic and colorful gallery! V
Walter Otto Koenig02-Aug-2018 15:15
Very effective processing for this subject. Nicely done! "V"
bill friedlander02-Aug-2018 14:56
The processing is just fantastic. V
Pierre02-Aug-2018 14:54
Une autre magnifique réalisation très bien présentée, de l'excellent travail! V
Blandine Mangin02-Aug-2018 14:06
beautiful ! v
Helen Betts02-Aug-2018 13:26
I like the soft effect your treatment gives this old helicopter and find the color particularly attractive. V.
Fong Lam02-Aug-2018 12:55
Marvelous art of this whirlybird with those details and color treatment...V
Yvonne02-Aug-2018 10:27
Superb artwork Bob! v
Graeme02-Aug-2018 09:02
I love the treatment and effects on this helicopter, Bob. Very unique and masterfully done.V!
Bryan Murahashi02-Aug-2018 04:22
Very nicely done.
joseantonio02-Aug-2018 03:34
Would love to ride one of these....V
Gill Kopy02-Aug-2018 03:20
Pencil art works so well for this subject - cool V
fotabug02-Aug-2018 02:38
LynnH02-Aug-2018 01:05
Love this. Very nice work! V
janescottcumming02-Aug-2018 00:37
Looking good! V
Julie Oldfield02-Aug-2018 00:33
Great work. Excellent composition. V
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