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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> My New Garden > Clematis_White
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Lumby, B.C.

I've been nursing this clematis which had been
knocked over, and today it came forth with a
single white flower

Canon EOS 6D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
1/2000s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ken Zaret06-Oct-2021 00:23
Lovely shot!
Ellen Michaels16-Aug-2018 03:30
Very lovely image.
Tom LeRoy04-Aug-2018 13:24
That's a beauty and the low light makes it better! V
Pierre02-Aug-2018 14:56
Une magnifique fleur blanche dans ce beau décor de verdure! V
Jeff Real02-Aug-2018 14:47
This has quite an incredible mysterious feeling
Buz Kiefer01-Aug-2018 18:19
Wonderful. Love the subdued mood here. BV
woody3401-Aug-2018 03:14
Your TLC has been well worth the effort.Lovely.V
janescottcumming31-Jul-2018 22:10
Looks like it was worth the work. Very pretty. V
Nirvan Hope31-Jul-2018 18:27
Pristine and beautiful against the dark background.
bill friedlander31-Jul-2018 17:23
Nice how it is placed in the frame with the branches to the side. V
John Vass31-Jul-2018 17:19
A reward for your kindness! Wonderful photo! V
joseantonio31-Jul-2018 15:34
looks so lovely.Well captured.V
Walter Otto Koenig31-Jul-2018 15:05
Beautiful with this dark background. So well composed. "V"
globalgadabout31-Jul-2018 14:45
a lovely reward for your plant nursing efforts....a fine image too..
Fong Lam31-Jul-2018 14:02
Beautiful capture with the soft lighting....wonderful mood in this superb composition...V
Helen Betts31-Jul-2018 12:28
What a great capture of this pretty flower, especially the way it glows in the light against the dark background. V.
Neil Marcus31-Jul-2018 11:44
I like the look of this very much.
Yvonne31-Jul-2018 11:22
Exquisite... they are such beautiful blooms, so glad it has survived! v
Graeme31-Jul-2018 08:53
Another lovely treat from your new garden, Gill. V!
danad31-Jul-2018 06:37
A beautiful flower and a great mood with the soft light. V.
Chris Morton31-Jul-2018 06:29
must be spectacular in full bloom
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