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Sundevil3 | all galleries >> Galleries >> LOWELL ARIZONA 2018 >
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Nikon COOLPIX B700
1/2000s f/3.3 at 4.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Chris Gibbins29-Jul-2018 23:11
Super perspective. V.
Dan Greenberg05-Jun-2018 15:37
Fantastic POV on this '60 Caddy! Very dramatic and artistic. ~BV~
ross_e05-Jun-2018 09:47
Nicely done - V
Barry McCartney04-Jun-2018 17:00
I like the composition - Voted
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jun-2018 15:15
Great perspective and framing. nice with the bits of peeling paint. "V"
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)03-Jun-2018 15:12
The best perspective! VVV