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chris morton | all galleries >> East Anglia - click on more galleries within >> Woodbridge and Deben estuary >> Hemley, Newbourne, Waldringfield and Ramsholt > Picking up the wind
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Picking up the wind

our meeting point, within hailing distance, opposite the Ramsholt moorings

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Alexander Kazakov04-Dec-2017 14:23
Lovely! V
Nirvan Hope25-Nov-2017 05:24
Full sail ahead! Must have felt good for that sailor. Such a pretty colorful spinnaker.
Gill Kopy25-Nov-2017 04:32
Ha ! the spinnaker catches the wind :) Love the colourful sails - how lovely to be out there !! V
larose forest photos25-Nov-2017 04:21
Such a happy looking little boat with the colourful sails! V
Ken Chambers ARPS24-Nov-2017 23:39
Are you meeting for a beer, before returning home.... Chris ?
Tom Munson24-Nov-2017 20:25
Beautiful work!
Blandine Mangin24-Nov-2017 18:10
un charmant petit bateau avec une jolie voile aux couleurs vives ! v
joseantonio24-Nov-2017 16:49
love those beautiful colors in the sail.V
Helen Betts24-Nov-2017 16:16
That pretty sail does look a bit more wind filled than the last picture!
Yvonne24-Nov-2017 10:09
I rather like the colourful sail...
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