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Karen Stuebing | all galleries >> Galleries >> September Challenge - S > Sun
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27-FEB-2011 Karen Stuebing


West Virginia

For the September Challenge - S. Others can be seen here.

Mamiya RB67 ,Mamiya Sekor 90mm K/L f3.5,Fujifilm FP 3000B
1/10s f/3.5 iso3000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jola Dziubinska15-Sep-2017 20:50
Nice and warm.
Julie Oldfield12-Sep-2017 01:25
So lovely. V
LynnH10-Sep-2017 23:54
I love this. V+
Jeff Real10-Sep-2017 14:23
You have captured an amazing mood here, Karen
This is a very moving image to me
Yiannis Pavlis10-Sep-2017 13:23
A wonderful photo and idea.
laine10-Sep-2017 02:32
and shine....very soothing !!
larose forest photos10-Sep-2017 01:24
Your images always have such a quality to them... this is no exception. V
Frank Brault10-Sep-2017 01:18
So well done. Beautiful. V
1moremile10-Sep-2017 00:59
Nice wispy looking curtain. The light is perfect. V.
bill friedlander09-Sep-2017 21:31
The light id very nice and I like the bent up corner of the drape. V
Helen Betts09-Sep-2017 17:56
I like the narrow focus and detail, down to the pulled thread. Super light as well. V.